
France German Italia


Jökla river system:Great variety of fishing!

When you book fishing in Jökla river you are in fact fishing in river system with 5 (five) rivers of all sizes and caracter offering huge variety of fishing. Both small delicate rivers for small single hand rods and small flies or  fish big traditional pools ideal for double hand or switch rods.

Jökla main river above!

Fögruhlíðará river

Kaldá river

Fossá river

Laxá river

Some last minute openings and as well in nearby Breiddalsa river and don't miss your chance to book Iceland for 2017!

Throstur Ellidason


Angling Service Strengir

Smárarimi 30

112 Reykjavík

Phone: (354) 660 6890

Fax: 31 848679026


